We have 24 hours of good wifi from the Hilton Hotel for 10 bucks so I'm putting up photos as fast as I can.
Our first landfall after 30 days at sea - Fatu Hiva
First view of Fatu Hiva, the newest of the Marquesas Islands. A very happy skipper arriving just after dawn as he had planned. The spectacular anchorage.
The anchorage from the village. The tiny harbour where we left our dingy. The voluptuous Tiki protecting the village and harbour.
The rock formation 'La Bebe' overlooking the anchorage. Larus's beard of barnacles after crossing the Pacific. Half cruise ship - the back half, and half supply ship - the front half, that services Fatu Hiva.
The famous Marquesas Pamplemousse - aka Grapefruit but not as I've known it before. Big enough for 4 servings, so sweet and juicy and you could barter with lipstick, perfume or old rope. Me next to the stream that runs into the next photo where is pools before flowing down the beach into the bay.

Local scoundrels - blag a dinghy ride, invite themselves onboard and help themselves to your fishing tackle. They came back later and tried to trade three very likely ciguatera riddled reef fish for our fishing reel. No thank you. We were often stopped by ladies inviting us to a home cooked meal for about approximately $20 US each. No thank you, too rich for our pockets particularly when you stop at the local notice board and read a notice offering a very nice spread for about $15 for two. A photo overlooking the village, harbour and bay taken by Tim on a very tough walk.
There are many more photos but there are also many more places to show you, so I will post and move on the next island in the Marquasas - Hiva Oa.
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