Where are we

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Hanamenu Bay to Ua Huka


Entrance to Vaipee Bay dead ahead; Crashing waves and swell to the right; Crashing waves and swell to the left; Inside with the entrance behind us; The anchorage ahead of us; The entrance ahead of us; Crashing waves to the right;  Let's try down there to the left around the point.

This might well make a good anchorage in fine weather, but not that day.


So around the point we went that was actually an island at the end of some very interesting geological feature.  This was the first flat topography we had seen that was not a valley floor in the Marquesas.

It was still a little lumpy but we had a peaceful nights sleep anchored between the two headlands. It would be a nice beach to explore without the crashing waves on the beach.

Next stop Nuku Hiva

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