Where are we

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Anchored in Port Resolution on the Island of Tanna

We arrived this morning as planned around 0900. 

Tim putting up our Q flag, which lets the authorities know we haven’t cleared in.

First mate with the island of Tanna in the distance.  

It was quite a lumpy sea on our approach but on the whole a very good passage. Last night was the worst with squally winds without even having the decency to give us any rain to wash the salt off. 

Of note is the fact that we broke our record for miles covered in a 24 hours period with the whopping great number of 168.  Really for us this is outstanding and will probably never be repeated. It does make for a very bright moment in one’s day.

We dropped anchor in the huge bay amongst the numerous Arc World Rally boats and right next to John and Sal on Cappall Mara who we last saw in Whangarei.

Capall Mara

We didn’t take our phones ashore as there are no SIM cards to buy here but I should have in case of photo ops. There were small outrigger canoes on the beach where we landed the dingy to clear in. Each one made from the hollowed out trunk of a tree.  We saw the local men fishing when we arrived. When Tim went ashore the second time to see if there was any info about clearing in, he said that 6 or 7 local children helped him launch it from the beach.

It’s early days yet and I’m sure there will be many more chances.

We seem to be out of luck getting cleared in today. Tim read that Wednesday’s are a half day here and we might have arrived too late. Stanley, who helps with the clearing in process and probably arranges tours and the like will tell the authorities at Port Vila, the capital, two islands up, and maybe we can clear in there. Or maybe someone will come on the weekend.  It is a tough car ride over rough mountain roads to get here, and having cleared in nearly 20 Arc boats yesterday they might not fancy doing the whole trip over again for one boat.

We aren’t used to such a relaxed attitude to clearing in. 

We have 3 or 4 days of strong winds expected over the weekend and will stay here till that passes. John and Sal like playing Mexican Train Dominos as much, if not more, than I do.  We’ll find some way of keeping occupied I’m sure.

1 comment:

  1. enjoyed your news glad you both are ok love Elaine
